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Pulmonology is a medical speciality which treats the respiratory system: lungs and bronchi.The main reasons for consultation are sleep apnoea, asthma and chronic bronchitis.Pulmonologists are also specialists in all infections and tumours of the respiratory system such as pneumonia, pleurisy, lung cancer or pleural cancer.

The Team
Dr Jean-Yves Berney
Underwater and hyperbaric medicine AFC
Languages : FRA, ENG
Pulmonologist FMH
Languages : FRA, ENG

Other Services

Services for professionals

Radiological request (Servette / Versoix)

Prescription of care

Make an appointment online.

Urgent appointment of general medicine

Charmilles Medical Center

Grand-Saconnex Medical Center

Opale Medical Center

Rue de Lausanne Medical Center

Servette Medical Center

Vevey Medical Centre

Servette Imaging Center

Versoix Imaging Centre


In case of a life emergency
call 144

Emergencies Geneva

Emergencies Vaud